Sean Willmore founded Thin Green Line Foundation in 2007 after seeing first-hand the desperate need of his ranger colleagues around the world. A former Australian park ranger and president of the International Ranger Federation, Sean has worked with rangers in over 80 countries on six continents, experiencing the best and worst of what rangers deal with, and encountering many hair-raising situations with them along the way. His efforts to help his ranger colleagues and support their conservation work has helped to shine a light on the sacrifice these rangers and their families make to protect our natural world.
In 2004 Sean sold his car, remortgaged his house and travelled the world for 14 months to bring to the public the story of the sometimes life-threatening challenges his colleagues face each day and resulted in the production of The Thin Green Line film, released in 2007. The film was screened in 50 countries and became an international success story, offering a sense of hope and pride for rangers worldwide, but also highlighting their struggles. It became the catalyst for Sean to set up Thin Green Line, the first charity solely dedicated to supporting rangers and their families. He later sold his house to continue the work of the foundation.
Sean continues to be inspired by rangers who work on the frontlines of conservation every day and he uses their inspiration for his work at Thin Green Line.
“I’ve worked with rangers all over the world and have seen first-hand the dangers and challenges these frontline conservation workers face. I’ve also felt the utter devastation left behind for the families of those brave men and women who lose their lives in the line of duty. Investment in critical equipment, training and professional development is of utmost importance, and that’s what Thin Green Line is here to do. By supporting rangers, we support their entire community and with that, we protect nature.”
The Thin Green Line Foundation provides direct support that improves the lives and working conditions of rangers protecting wildlife and diverse ecosystems. We also initiate and invest in game-changing programs like LEAD ranger that achieve wide-reaching impact for ranger operations and community conservation.
Through this work we increase community engagement in conservation, promote Indigenous and local knowledge within land management, improve the rights and recognition of rangers, and support conservation programs worldwide with direct action.
Whilst training, equipping and connecting rangers are the proactive direct support programs assisting rangers in the field, the Thin Green Line also supports the families of Fallen Rangers with over 150 rangers lost in the Line of duty each year.
LEAD Ranger: we support organisations on the leading edge of conservation
The ecosystems that balance our climate and make life on Earth possible are under extreme threat. Without sufficient action , we are destined to take thousands of species to extinction in this generation alone.
Park Rangers are nature's first responders. Their actions in protecting ecosystems - which inherently includes communities - are pivotal in turning the tide on extinction. LEAD Ranger is committed to supporting this global community of professional Rangers through high quality ISO accredited training programs that leave a legacy of Ranger trainers in the field.