Double the impact with The Conservation Alliance and 1% for the Planet joint membership

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Patagonia Founder Yvon Chouinard started The Conservation Alliance and 1% for the Planet as personal passion projects, answering a shared call among outdoor industry leaders to do better business by giving back to the environment. Today, it’s not just the outdoor industry that’s showing up—it’s businesses (big and small) across 65+ industries that have made a financial commitment to our planet.

What is The Conservation Alliance?

The Conservation Alliance harnesses the power of business and outdoor communities to protect North America’s wild places and outdoor spaces. The nonprofit was launched in 1989 by Patagonia, REI, The North Face and Kelty. Through the collective power of their membership, businesses across industries (from brewers and bankers to sportsmen and renewable energy leaders) are taking bold steps to conserve wild public lands and waters. Since 1989, The Conservation Alliance has awarded over $33.1 million in grants and helped protect over 124 million acres and 4,964 river miles, remove or halt 41 dams, purchase 22 climbing areas and designate five marine reserves.

What is 1% for the Planet?

1% for the Planet is a global movement inspiring businesses to support environmental solutions through annual membership. We accelerate smart environmental giving by advising on giving strategies, certifying donations and amplifying the impact of our network. Our 5,200+ business members support over 7,000 approved environmental partners by donating the equivalent of 1% of sales through a combination of monetary, in-kind and approved promotional expenses. We guide and support this giving and provide credible third-party certification. To date, our members have given over $655 million to environmental partners since 2002.

Joint membership

1% for the Planet and The Conservation Alliance both work to channel financial resources and business engagement toward environmental nonprofits. How do they overlap? Businesses that are members of both organizations can count their contributions to The Conservation Alliance toward their annual 1% for the Planet commitment. This creates an efficient way for businesses to maximize their impact while aligning with their environmental values.

Member testimonials 

Read below to hear from a few businesses that are making the most of their joint impact as members of 1% for the Planet and The Conservation Alliance:

“Passionate and professional photographers around the world have repeatedly told us that access to, and protection of open and public spaces is something they rely on for their hobbies and their business.  That focus on land conservation and access has led to us being active members of The Conservation Alliance for years. We’re incredibly proud of the work we’ve been able to do with that coalition of businesses and non-profits.

“While land and water conservation continue to be our largest area of focus, it’s not the only work we are doing for our planet. With our contributions to The Conservation Alliance making us eligible to join the 1% for the Planet community, this year we’ve been able to connect with so many more companies and organizations. The partnerships that have been formed from the moment we joined have allowed us to have even more impact on the projects we care about.” - Ben MacAskill, President & COO at Flickr
“There’s strength in numbers. That’s one of the reasons why Patagonia co-founded The Conservation Alliance in 1989 and 1% for the Planet in 2002. These two remarkable organizations allow peer companies in the outdoor industry to pool funding for groups protecting wild places and finding solutions to the climate crisis. By being a member of both nonprofits, our contributions to The Conservation Alliance become part of our annual 1% for the Planet commitment, helping us maximize the impact of our granting.” - Hans Cole, Vice President of Environmental Activism at Patagonia
“The Conservation Alliance was one of the first organizations we supported after joining 1% for the Planet in 2016 and we're proud to have been a member ever since. Similarly to how 1% for the Planet vets nonprofits to ensure impact, The Conservation Alliance provides strategic guidance on grassroots initiatives that warrant our support. Using your annual 1% contributions to support The Conservation Alliance is a great twofer: along with being a member of 1% for the Planet, you get to be a member of an incredible alliance of other brands working together to leverage impact and protect important wild spaces.” - Annie Nyborg, Head of Environmental and Social Impact at Peak Design

Take Action

Ready to do better business? You can take action at the links below to get started:

Become a 1% for the Planet member - commit to donating 1% of your annual sales to environmental partners like The Conservation Alliance.

Join The Conservation Alliance - start donating to their incredible initiatives today.

"Commit, then figure it out"

Doug Tompkins, dear friend and one of the great influences of 1% for the Planet's founders.
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