When women thrive, our planet thrives. "It is globally recognized that women’s leadership is one of the greatest leverage points for increasing our collective climate resilience. Still, the women who step forward time and again to address climate change and prevent environmental destruction and injustice face an uphill battle. Their bodies and health are threatened, their work is under-resourced, and their leadership is stymied. Those same deep structural inequities and underinvestment robs these leaders—half the global population—of their full potential to profoundly shape our communities, our values, and the future on this planet." — Women's Earth Alliance
Partners Supporting Indigenous Women

Women's Earth Alliance
Mission: Women's Earth Alliance (WEA) is on a mission to protect our environment, end the climate crisis, and ensure a just, thriving world by empowering women’s leadership.
Scope: International (Bolivia, Canada, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Mexico, Nepal, Nigeria, Pacific Islands, Philippines, Tanzania, Uganda, United States)
Location: Berkeley, California, USA
Q: How does your organization view the role of gender equity in fighting the climate crisis?
A: Around the world, women risk their lives daily to ensure that families, communities and future generations can access safe water, healthy food, clean energy and secure lands to call home. And because climate change is a threat multiplier—exacerbating existing structural and gender inequities—as the climate crisis intensifies, so will the burden on our worlds women.
Yet, as caretakers of families and the natural resources on which life depends, women are also best positioned to innovate the solutions our world urgently needs.
Every day that a woman’s needs are sidelined and her innovations thwarted is another day of missed opportunity for our world. But the good news is that women around the world are taking a stand against climate change, as well as for their right to lead. They are designing water filtration systems, growing food forests and carbon sinks, saving endangered and climate-resilient indigenous seeds, starting eco-enterprises to ensure sustainable livelihoods, demanding a seat at decision-making tables, and so much more. WEA exists to empower their leadership, investing in their capacity to create powerful solutions that ripple out across regions, nations, and our entire planet—now and for generations to come.
Sogorea Te’ Land Trust
Mission: Sogorea Te' Land Trust is an urban Indigenous women-led land trust that facilitates the return of Indigenous land to Indigenous people.
Scope: Regional
Location: Oakland, California, USA
Tewa Women United
Mission: Through relational-tivity, Tewa Women United embodies courageous spaces that center Indigenous women and girls to connect with ancestral knowingness, healing strengths and lifeways for the wellbeing of all.
Scope: Regional
Location: Santa Cruz, New Mexico, USA
Karrkad Kanjdji Trust
Mission: The Karrkad Kanjdji Trust brings together Indigenous ranger groups, communities and philanthropists to address some of our nation’s most pressing issues.
Scope: Local
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Partners supporting women in the outdoors

Feminist Bird Club
Mission: The Feminist Bird Club is dedicated to promoting inclusivity in birding while fundraising and providing a safe opportunity for members of the LGBTQIA+ community, BIPOC and women to connect with the natural world.
Scope: International (Canada, Netherlands, United States)
Location: Greene County, New York, USA
Q: How does your organization view the role of gender equity in fighting the climate crisis?
A: When it comes to climate change, we believe that gender equity is key to making a positive impact on our ecosystem. Not only are there gender disparities in environmental jobs and politics, but women, trans people and non-binary individuals have less access to resources to survive.
Healthcare, agriculture, disaster relief access and more have been driven by standards set by cis-gendered men, for cis-gendered men. How can folks of other gender identities survive the future of the climate crisis, when many are already experiencing an increase in natural disasters and have less access to food, clean water, and proper healthcare today? We must fight for gender equity across all sectors, so we can strengthen our fight against climate change and save the lives of our most threatened friends and neighbors.
Mission: SheJumps helps women and girls take risks in the outdoors to enable them to break through fears and internal/external barriers in life so they can grow to their full potential.
Scope: National (AK, CA, CO, ID, MD, ME, MT, NH, NY, OR, PA, SC, TN, UT, VA, VT, WA, WY)
Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
Mission: GirlVentures inspires girls to lead through outdoor adventure, inner discovery, and collective action.
Scope: State (California)
Location: Oakland, California
Black Girls Hike UK
Mission: Black Girls Hike provides a safe space for Black women to explore the outdoors. Challenging the status quo, and encouraging Black women to reconnect with nature, they host nationwide group hikes, outdoor activity days and training events.
Scope: National
Location: Manchester, United Kingdom
Partners supporting women’s education

Central Asia Institute
Mission: Central Asia Institute works to promote education and livelihood skills, especially for girls and women, in the remote regions of Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Tajikistan.
Scope: International (Afghanistan, Pakistan, Tajikistan)
Location: Bozeman, Montana, USA
Q: How does your organization view the role of gender equity in fighting the climate crisis?
A: We provide high-quality education in remote, mountainous regions in Central Asia. Our programs serve everyone, but we’ve learned that focusing on girls and women can have an impact that lasts for generations.
The ravaging effects of global warming hit impoverished women in rural villages the hardest. The women are often illiterate. They lack resources and aren’t prepared to adapt. They have no voice in planning for the future. No one goes to them for solutions. They report feeling invisible. Education changes all of that.
Research shows that educated girls and women are better stewards of the environment. They’re more resilient and better able to cope. Educated women have agency in the future and the leadership skills to influence behavior and policy.
When you educate a girl, you change the world. This is why outside experts like Project Drawdown cite advancing girls’ education among the top 10 most effective strategies for combating climate change.
WINGS Guatemala
Mission: WINGS Guatemala provides quality reproductive health education and services to underserved, primarily rural Guatemalan youth, women, and men.
Scope: Regional
Location: Guatemala
One New Education
Mission: One New Education is providing educational opportunities and support to young women in need from developing nations, empowering them to contribute to the welfare of their families and communities.
Scope: International (Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, India, Mexico, Nepal, Nicaragua, Peru, Tanzania, Uganda, United States)
Location: Flagstaff, Arizona, USA
Women's Global Education Project
Mission: Women's Global Education Project works to empower young people in rural areas of sub-Saharan Africa, particularly women and girls, through education to build better lives and foster more equitable communities.
Scope: International (Kenya, Senegal)
Location: Chicago, Illinois, USA
Partners supporting women in science
MISS - Minorities in Shark Science
Mission: MISS provides a community and funding opportunities for women of color who wish to enter the field of shark sciences.
Scope: International (Argentina, Australia, Bahamas, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Fiji, France, Germany, Great Britain, Guyana, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Italy, Jamaica, Kenya, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mauritius, Mexico, Mozambique, Namibia, Netherlands, Nigeria, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Qatar, Seychelles, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Trinidad & Tobago, Uganda, United States)
Location: Bradenton, Florida, USA
Q: How does your organization view the role of gender equity in fighting the climate crisis?
A: Climate crisis is a broad term with many parts. For MISS and MISSes members, the part of the climate crisis we most often discuss and deal with has to do with fish and shark conservation. We often ask questions like "How will rising ocean temperatures affect fish and shark populations? Will fish and sharks be able to adapt quickly to survive in this new, quickly changing environment? We often brainstorm to find solutions to these issues but finding solutions is not as clear-cut as it seems.
Something we always say at MISS is that "Diversity in upbringing, race, religion, ethnicity, etc. leads to diversity in thought which leads to innovation." Gender equity is incredibly important when it comes to discussing and working towards solving the climate crisis. A solution to the climate crisis cannot be found without diversity. To us at MISS, gender equity means making the playing field even.
On this planet, we are not all born equal. We are not all born with the same access to resources, the same access to education, the same access to generational wealth, the list goes on and on. When we bring people from all different upbringings and backgrounds, instead of coming at a problem from one point of view, you now have 50 different points of view that can mix together to form a solution that one person alone may not have been able to come up with. Gender equity is key in creating an environment where a problem as big as the climate crisis can be talked about and solved.
Mission: eXXpedition is a Community Interest Company and not-for-profit organisation that runs pioneering all-female sailing research expeditions at sea and virtually voyages on land to investigate the causes of and solutions to ocean plastic pollution.
Scope: International
Location: London, United Kingdom
Urban Ocean Lab
Mission: Urban Ocean Lab cultivates rigorous, creative, equitable, and practical climate and ocean policy, for the future of coastal cities.
Scope: National, with a focus on coastal cities.
Location: Brooklyn, New York, USA
Breast Cancer Prevention Partners
Mission: BCPP works to prevent breast cancer by eliminating our exposure to toxic chemicals and radiation. They have published 30+ scientific reports and passed 16 laws to improve the health of people and the planet.
Scope: National
Location: San Francisco, California, USA